Leisure Batteries: 2X 165Ah AGM Deep Cycle
Battery Monitor: SmartShunt 500A/50mV
Mains Battery Charger: Blue Smart IP22 Charger 12/20(1) 230V UK
Battery Protector: Smart BatteryProtect 12/24V-100A
DC-DC Charger (B2B): Orion-Tr Smart 12/12-30A (360W) Nonisolated
Shore Power: Polyamide Inlet with 15m Shore Power Cord
DC Distribution: 2X Blue Sea MaxiBus 250A BusBars – Six Studs
AC Distribution: 1X Populated Metal Consumer Unit complying to all necessary regulations for use within campervans
Fusing & Circuit Protection: All necessary fuses, fuse holders and switchgear sized in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations
Ancillary Items: All cables (including for all AC & DC appliances), lugs, crimps, conduits, glands, fixings, the whole nine yards!
Regulations Compliance: All of the necessary items needed to satisfy all 230V AC & 12V DC regulations and standards.